Friday, February 22, 2008

Fun In The Snow!

Ethan was too young to truly enjoy the snow last year (see first picture in Minnesota), but this year after moving from the Mountains of Much Snowia (aka. Minnesota), we have had no snow and he couldn't play in it. Last night, we got a whopping 3 inches. While I know all my Minnesotan friends are laughing about this, in Philly, it is a BIG deal. I went to the gym at 5:30 this morning and not only was it nearly empty (there are usually more than 200 people there at that time), it took me forever to get there because no one had begun plowing the roads. We're not talking the small side roads, but the major almost highway ones.

Anyway, Ethan and Mommy went outside to play this morning while Jayden slept. Ethan was frustrated at first because he couldn't keep the snow off his boots, but then started to really enjoy it.


Friday, February 08, 2008

Two Of A Kind

I just have been enjoying watching the boys begin to interact with each other as brothers. Jayden lights up each time Ethan runs over to talk to him and Jayden tries to talk back. Ethan wants to hold him on a regular basis.


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