Friday, November 30, 2007

The Fun Continues

So we have just started what will be our "regular" routine. Ethan wrapped up daycare and is now home full time. He and I made cookies Grandma bought last week, we read the same book several times and danced to music on the iPod. I think he should be more tired, but doesn't seem to be even though mom is:).

We also took Jayden's photo to match a similar one I took of Ethan at this age. Jayden is now more than two weeks old already - craziness! Anyway, time for a walk.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome Jayden!

On Thursday afternoon we welcomed Jayden Robert to the world. He weighed a healthy 7lbs 12 oz and was 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. Ethan is slowly adjusting but I think he likes his brother alright:).


Friday, November 02, 2007

Mr. Independent

Ethan has decided he can do things for himself and gets quite frustrated when someone tries to help him (reminds me too much of Uncle Gabe and Aunt Teresa:). These are two of my favorites. He thinks he needs to wear mine and Jim's shoes or "ushes" (with a long u) as he calls them and he won't let anyone help him brush his teeth anymore. I think he's saying, "Mom, I'm not a baby anymore."


Our Little Lion

Here are a few pictures from the other night - Ethan LOVED it after he figured out what he was doing going door to door in our neighborhood:).


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