A few updates:
Even though Jayden lost a lot of weight last week (nearly everything he had gained since November) he gained back a lot of it by his appointment yesterday, which is a blessing. He is finally eating again.
We think the IPV treatments are challenging, but really helping him be clearer, which means he burns less calories breathing and hopefully translates into weight gain.
We are in the process of getting set up with a home nurse who will likely come several hours a day to help me do treatments and give me a little break as well, which will be much appreciated.
Jayden still has bronchomalacia, which is usually gone in babies by six months. Hopefully he will still be able to grow out of it and the doctor said while it isn't the most serious problem we had to considered, it is also not something to take lightly in his case.
As long as we stick with the therapies, it will hopefully stay under control and not damage his lung tissue too much. It is considered a birth defect that does not allow people to breath normally because it makes the airways collapse, instead of move air through. The longer he can stay well, the longer his lungs have a chance to fully develop further.
We go to see his pulmonologist, which is technically a follow-up from his November hospitalization, but comes at a good time. We are just enjoying a quieter week:)