Wednesday, January 07, 2009

First Round Completed

Today was our easy day - VERY easy day:). We did the milk scan which was just long, but not a big deal and met with anesthesiology. We are set for tomorrow and our hospital stay. It looks like Jayden will be put under for several hours to get everything done.

He begins at noon tomorrow (EST) and will likely end somewhere in the late afternoon time. We will not likely be in a room until mid evening. Depending on when we get information, I may post again in the afternoon, but definitely will after we get settled in his room.

The doctors are taking five or six biopsies when they go in tomorrow in different places. The biggest thing that's different is they don't tend to do this stuff on babies as young as Jayden, but then again he's not the typical baby:).

Anyway, all of your prayers are appreciated!

More soon....


Beverly Huckaba 9:07 PM  


You all are certainly in our prayers -- hopefully you'll get some answers tomorrow and I hope this isn't too hard on Jayden. Grandpa sends love too! Lots of Love, Grandma

Pattie 10:59 PM  

I will be praying!

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