Immunologist Update
Jayden had an appointment with the immunologist on Monday at CHOP. It was a long day, but may help us pinpoint what has been going on with him. The long and short of what they told us is that they were going to do a whole bunch of in-depth blood work and if the problem is with his immune system, the blood work will be able to identify the big issues and we can go from there. They examined him, but when looking at the immune system you really have to do blood work.
They are focusing on looking at his blood to make sure it is making the right number and the right quality of antibodies. One thing they said is a baby gets antibodies from the placenta before they are born and those last until about 4-6 months. At that time, the baby's own antibodies should kick in and if they don't they may have a lot of problems like not gaining adequate weight and have developmental issues as well as being sick.
Anyway, we just have to wait and see if his blood work comes back normal and we'll go from there. If it does, we will continue with the new pulmonologist and likely the geneticist but we won't likely have to keep the immunologist on our list of regular doctors.
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