Another Doc, More News
We went to the doctor for Jayden's 9-month check-up and they are still quite worried about his weight gain. He is less than 16 pounds and gained less than a pound in the last three months.
Hopefully he is not allergic to dairy, because we are adding cream to everything for him to pack on calories and hope he gains some weight with that. Guess we'll see. The thing they are most worried about is if he doesn't gain enough weight and gets sick this winter and loses a pound or two, he could be in very serious condition.
I did look up how much I weighed at his age and was a pound less than him, which reassured our doctor a bit when I spoke with her again this evening. We are running a whole bunch of tests to make sure we aren't missing something and hopefully we won't find anything abnormal. They are running some additional cystic fibrosis tests because not all cases of cystic fibrosis are apparently picked up by the sweat test, but it is unlikely he has that.
He also has to see a kid eye doctor because one of his pupils doesn't retract in bright light like it is supposed to, which may be a side effect of the medicines. If it is though, I want to make sure and try to switch him on something else to try to prevent more damage to his eye.
As always, continued prayers are appreciated.
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