Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Great News

We got the test results back for Jayden and he does not have cystic fibrosis. That means that although he has lots of other breathing problems, the worst has been eliminated. Some of the other problems he may grow out of as he gets older and the asthma may even get to be less of a problem as well. Thank you all for all your prayers and support over the last 5 months - we wouldn't have been able to do it without those. And praise God he is negative. You don't realize how much we take good health for granted until it you or someone you love's health is threatened.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Testing Complete

So I took Jayden for his appointment and sweat test today. He gained a pound in a month, which is right on track and we were able to get enough sweat to test him. We should know the results by tomorrow so we'll keep you posted. Thanks for the prayers!



Monday, May 26, 2008

Fun Extras

Ethan taking his first photos.

Today we had some fun picnic time in the middle of Valley Forge and we have some great pictures to share. Enjoy:).


Our Final Stop - Valley Forge, PA

Yesterday we hung out and rested, gave the boys good naps and got BBQ at home. It was fabulous. Today we spent our final day hiking five miles through Valley Forge and learning all about Washington and the troops staying there. It was very relaxing and interesting.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

2nd Stop: Ocean City, NJ

We headed to our friend's family beach house yesterday and hung out at the beach and boardwalk for a few hours before eating dinner and heading home. It was a bit chilly for the water (although that didn't stop Ethan and Ella), but the boardwalk was full and the carnival rides were fun.

Jayden mostly enjoyed his first trip to the beach, although he slept a lot of the time and lost his blankie on the boardwalk.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Chocolate Wonderland

All of us had a blast visiting Hershey, PA. We think the pictures say it all....


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Six Months Old

It seems like a very long road, but Jayden just turned 6 months old and we celebrated with little cookies (even though he couldn't eat them. Big brother Ethan sure enjoyed them). Jayden did taste the frosting and liked it.


Grandma Visits

Grandma stopped by on her way back from Europe. We enjoyed dinner at the airport and got to hear all about the trip.


Our New Stroller

We just got a new stroller - we took some pictures before we headed into Sesame Place today. Seems like the boys like it:). It definitely is 100 times easier to push than the other one.


Mom and Dad Visiting

I am catching up on the last month. Here are some pictures from mom, dad, Lauren and Jim's cousin Chris visiting. We had a busy but fun weekend.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Packing On The Pounds

So we took Jayden to the doctor's on Tuesday and they're concerned about his weight gain - or lack thereof. We were sent home with instructions to "fatten him up." We actually had to buy the high calorie formula and start adding pure butter or oil to his baby food. (It was very weird talking with a doctor about adding as much fat and calories as you can to someone's diet). He's loving it because he gets to eat whenever he wants.

We're scheduled to go back for a weight check at the beginning of next month. He is also scheduled for his cystic fibrosis testing at the end of this month. Keep those prayers coming:).


Too Tired To Play

Jim was with the boys last night when Jayden fell asleep in his exersaucer. Jim had fun with the camera.


Ethan's Birthday Presents

Here are some funny ones of Ethan playing and wearing some of his birthday presents.He has had a nonstop party since he turned 2 and we can't post all the pictures or we'd be overwhelmed on the blog:)


Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Big 0-2

Ethan had a wonderful weekend celebrating his second birthday. It didn't rain during his party, we successfully made an Elmo cake and he loved blowing out his candles. Here are some fun pictures.


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