Six Weeks Old
Here is Jayden on Christmas morning wrapped in the blanket mom made him.
Ethan has grown up so much since the summer. This past week he moved into a toddler bed. Here is a photo of him on his first night (he was tired and cranky, but overall did well). Also a photo of him running around inside his laundry basket - one of his new favorite things.
So we decided anytime someone comes to visit, we're doing a group picture, no matter how goofy. I'm a littl ebehind in posting, but here is mom's visit and Tony and Jen's visit:).
We had a blast on the short but very sweet visit with dad just before Christmas. More photos coming soon.
I am finally getting a chance to update the blogs...yeah! Most of these will just be photos ... enjoy:)
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So Google Maps just launched the street view maps of Minneapolis and St. Paul today. Above you can see our house (well what used to be our house). It's weird because you don't know when they will come by. If we had still been living there, you could have very easily seen us hanging out inside. So strange.....Here you can "travel" the 35W bridge days before it collapsed.
Our church held a lunch with Santa today, so Jim and I took the boys to see Santa Claus. Ethan wasn't sure what to think so he sat with Jim on his lap.
So we have just started what will be our "regular" routine. Ethan wrapped up daycare and is now home full time. He and I made cookies Grandma bought last week, we read the same book several times and danced to music on the iPod. I think he should be more tired, but doesn't seem to be even though mom is:).
We also took Jayden's photo to match a similar one I took of Ethan at this age. Jayden is now more than two weeks old already - craziness! Anyway, time for a walk.
On Thursday afternoon we welcomed Jayden Robert to the world. He weighed a healthy 7lbs 12 oz and was 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. Ethan is slowly adjusting but I think he likes his brother alright:).
Ethan has decided he can do things for himself and gets quite frustrated when someone tries to help him (reminds me too much of Uncle Gabe and Aunt Teresa:). These are two of my favorites. He thinks he needs to wear mine and Jim's shoes or "ushes" (with a long u) as he calls them and he won't let anyone help him brush his teeth anymore. I think he's saying, "Mom, I'm not a baby anymore."
Here are a few pictures from the other night - Ethan LOVED it after he figured out what he was doing going door to door in our neighborhood:).
Since we believe in the value of hard work, we figured Ethan better become used to Just kidding. The kid thinks the broom is a really long bat or toy and thought it was interesting to drag around the floor - I guess kinda like me except when I do it, I actually pick up stuff.
There's not much cuter and a more welcome sight than a sleeping baby. After a LOT of playing, running away from Jim as he tried to dress him for church and perfecting his random screeching noises at church, Ethan finally fell asleep. I guess it's difficult work being an
A funny note.... Jim and I finally figured out what Ethan was doing when he seemed to be doing the chicken dance (you know hands underneath armpits flapping up and down). He is trying to do the sign of the cross and each time we don't "help" him he looks like he's doing the chicken dance. We laughed so hard when we realized that. I bet God gets a lot of laugh over things like that with little kids.
Here are some photos of us at the polo match and the lake we went to this weekend. It was so warm Jim and Ethan took a quick walk in the lake. It was a lot of fun exploring and figuring out what's really around us.
We really had fun last night for my birthday as well. We enjoyed goofing off in front of the camera. It sure can be challenging getting a family shot, especially if no one is standing behind the camera.
We spent our Sunday at a nearby orchard and farm. We picked apples and got a pumpkin. Ethan of course thought all the pumpkins were balls and got quite frustrated when he couldn't pick them up and throw them, but he got over it.
Ethan was very confused when he came home last night and "ampa" as he calls him wasn't here. Here's some photos from the trip. He even got to type an email to Grandma, You can see all the photos here
Ethan is LOVING his Elmo slippers - he even wanted to wear them to mass. Of course he still loves the sunglasses too and insists on wearing those often as well.
So here are some recent ultrasound photos. One of Jayden on his back and one of Jayden's feet.
Ethan, Jim and I went to NYC yesterday to explore a bit. We hung out in Lower and Midtown Manhattan and enjoyed getting to know where we were. We hit Times Square, Broadway and Battery Park. Ethan cracked us up because as we got to Times Square,w e checked on him and he was sleeping sitting up. We figured all the people wore him out.
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