Aunt Cindy Visits
Aunt Cindy and Charlie, Joey and Annie all visited for 10 days in June and we had a blast! The kids loved seeing everyone and all the extra attention and it was nice to have a chance to catch up. Here's some of our favorite pics:)
Aunt Cindy and Charlie, Joey and Annie all visited for 10 days in June and we had a blast! The kids loved seeing everyone and all the extra attention and it was nice to have a chance to catch up. Here's some of our favorite pics:)
Uncle Danny let my boys bring home some of his hats and they love wearing them. Once every few days as we get ready to go somewhere, one of them pops out with a hat ready to go.
We've been quite quiet lately, which is a good thing! It means we haven't had any major news going on, which we always welcome. We are enjoying our summer and relative health. The boys have been busy running and playing constantly and they keep us on our toes. Ethan is doing VBS next week and looking forward to meeting new friends.
Jayden just went through the next round of specialist appointments and it was all relatively good. He went to GI last week and Endocrinology and his general pediatrician this week.
GI said he gained an "acceptable" amount of weight. Translation: No G-tube for right now! They won't guarantee it past the summer, but it looks like right now we are in the clear.
Endocrinology said his bone age is 15 months (he is 19 months), but not to be alarmed. They said plus or minus 5 months is considered in the normal range and especially for kids who have been as chronically sick as he has. They said he may just be a bit behind but he will eventually catch up when he is an adult. The doc did hear a heart murmur but said it was light and probably nothing to worry about. We are seeing a cardiologist because they want to make sure with his other issues it really is nothing.
His pediatrician was just happy he is gaining. He put on 10 ounces since he saw her 5weeks ago and is nearly 21 pounds. We hope to go into this winter more prepared than ever.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as we are here! I will be posting some more videos and pics soon:)
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