Just Hanging Around
You gotta love that smile:). I just had to post this picture!
And here is Ethan becoming as smart as his daddy reading Chemical and Engineering News - he refers to molecules as "mamacues."
You gotta love that smile:). I just had to post this picture!
And here is Ethan becoming as smart as his daddy reading Chemical and Engineering News - he refers to molecules as "mamacues."
Here are a few of us at our conference last weekend in Sacramento.
Jayden tested negative (YEAH:) for the wheat allergy and the rest of his panels, beside the cystic fibrosis came back fine (we still have to wait a bit for the cystic fibrosis results ... We'll take all the good news we can get.) We are repeating his white blood count next week and until then we are just chillin at home. His doc said regardless of the steroids he is on, his white blood count shouldn't be anywhere near the level it is at, especially at the low doses he is at. Thank you for your continued prayers. We all appreciate it and feel the effects of them daily.
Read more...So Jayden was finally well enough to get his blood taken to test for all the things they are testing him for. He actually has an ear infection, but that's all right now. There were three batches of blood, one set of standard tests and two of other. The first came back today and his white blood count (actually his Absolute Neutrophil Count) is pretty low. The white blood cells are what help your body fight off viruses and infections and his doctor said they would be pretty concerned if he had a 2000. His count is 700.
That makes him a lot more susceptible to any infection or virus he comes in contact with. It may be that he has some viral suppression and that it is a temporary thing, but they are going to retest him in two weeks to see if it changes for the better. Just wanted to give you updates on what is happening. Please keep him in your prayers that he can be strong enough to continue to fight anything he comes in contact with. Looks like our seclusion inside (at least for the time being) is beginning a bit earlier than we planned:).
Some fun info and comments about where we live:
Here is Ethan making tortillas and Jayden having a good time.
This is what Ethan and Ella were up to when we were finishing lunch. They seemed to be proud of themselves and have a blast though;).
Just a note to let you know we posted a few new videos on our YouTube account today. Enjoy the craziness.
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